Morraine Lake Wedding Photography
While I was in the area to shoot Hanh & Kevin’s wedding I was able to help out Julie Williams for Andrea & Kelly’s wedding at Morraine Lake in Banff National Park. Julie & I used to team up when we both lived in Victoria so it was a lot of fun to get to work with her again, and twice no less!! It’s been a while since I was a second shooter and I had so much fun working with Julie, who let me have some creative freedom. Andrea & Kelly rented a huge limousine bus (one of the neatest limos I’ve ever seen) to bring everyone from Canmore to Banff National Park for their wedding. It had been raining a lot that week (it even snowed a bit!) but the sun came out in full force on their day. Morraine Lake is one of the most picturesque lakes in Canada’s rocky mountains and their ceremony was on a bluff overlooking the scenery. We then spent some time doing portaits in the forest and fields around the lake. Andrea & Kelly were really easy going and nice so it meant the session was a blast. Julie – thanks for bringing me along. Andrea & Kelly – it was so much fun to meet you. Congratulations!

The next image was not photoshopped… Morraine Lake really is that color!