As the Olympic Games in Vancouver come to a close I thought I’d share our fun day out last Monday. My husband Cary and I got tickets to see the women’s hockey playoffs, which ended up being between the USA & Sweden. I absolutely love cheering crowds and all the colors and craziness that goes along with the ride. We took the ferry over with photographers Jenna & Tristan and it was really cool to get there first thing in the morning to see the downtown area bare of people. By the time the game was over the crowds were thick and we hung out watching the zip-liners fly over Robson Square. As we were walking around we ran into Doug, one of our classmates at the Western Academy of Photography – such a small world. I feel for my poor husband for being around all of us photography geeks, but I think he had a good time. LOL Here are some photos from our day:

Cary Chiu Victoria