Kelly & Zane are two of the most charismatic, fun-loving and thoughtful people you have ever met in your life. I know this because I count them as dear friends. When they asked us (that’s my boyfriend Derek in the photos) to be their witnesses we were deeply honoured. Zane & I met almost five years ago in a stand-up comedy class (Zane would go on to headline tons of shows, while I’d go on to be a supportive audience member!). It only took seconds after our first introduction to think that Kelly was “the one.” Zane’s face said it all. Actually, both of their faces said it all. It was like one of those “bam,” you just know it kind of things. They fit perfectly together. It was so easy to get to know Kelly. She has this warmth about her that makes you feel like she’s been in your life forever. That term “awesomesauce?” Well they pretty much invented that word for Kelly… and Zane… well, both of them. See, perfect couple! Zane & Kelly, I’m so happy for the two of you. You are the bestest of the best!